
Quantum Meets 2024 PT 2: Q-EXPO Kit Royal Tropical Institute, 24072024 As the Block party came to an end, the eagerly anticipated sequel to Quantum Meets, followed up with Q-Expo, a unique exhibition only day co-hosted by the European Quantum Industry Consortium (QuIC) andĀ Quantum Delta NL (QDNL). The immaculate venue chosen for Quantum Meets 2024, the KIT Royal Tropical Institute (Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen) that dates back to 1871, enjoys a distinctive history. As theĀ worldā€™s first former colonial museumĀ invited visitors for the first time, collections were showcased from the Dutch colonies in ā€˜the Eastā€™, predominantly from Indonesia, together with Suriname and multiple Caribbean islands in ā€˜the Westā€™. Since 1950, the original ethos pertaining to theĀ promotion ofĀ colonial ā€˜scienceā€™, healthcare, and economic and technological ā€˜developmentā€™ derived from the Koloniaal Museum in Haarlem. Today, this mission is manifested…

Quantum Meets 2024 PT 1: IBM, Capgemini, Block Party, Week 22072024

QUANTUM MEETS 2024 OVERVIEW The Quantum Meets 2024 showcase in Amsterdam, the Netherlands promised to be a spectacle that would delight an animated technology crowd of Quantum connoisseurs who gathered over four days between Monday 10th June to Thursday 13th June 2024. As pivotal members of the technology of the future, delegates looked forward to a prominent line up of speakers across the industry, engaging side line events, breakfast meets ups, luncheons and dinners with social impact organisations coming to life in one gathering in the Netherlands. Quantum Meets 2024 attracted quantum loving attendees from all across Europe, together with Government officials from institutions including the EU, the OECD, the World Economic Forum, The White House Office of Science Technology Policy (OSTP) and the UKRI…

Vegas to London AWS ExecLeaders Summit 2024, Latest Sale Week 20052024

This week Latest Sale team proudly reports from the Technology Business Directory and covers Vegas to London AWS ExecLeaders Summit 2024. The 2023 AWS re-Invent livestream session was inaugurated immaculately in Las Vegas by current AWS CEO Adam Selipsky. Selipsky who remains AWS CEO until June 3rd 2024, spoke of cloud transformation and innovations in data infrastructure. @LatestSale Founder attended the energetic Las Vegas Selipsky keynote via her digital pass and whilst Selipsky focused his attention on how customers could achieve their goals faster by mining untapped potential, innovation talks from Dr. Swami Sivasubramanian, AWS Vice President of Data & AI, highlighted differentiated Generative AI applications to accelerate employee productivity. Peter DeSantis, Senior AWS VP of Utility Computing explored deep dive strategies for best practice…

FT LIVE Asia Green Tech Summit 2024 Latest Sale in attendance 08042024

The recent FT Live Asia Green Tech Summit 2024 brought together global industry leaders, policy makers, and innovators to explore the latest trends and strategies in advancing sustainable solutions across Asia. With a focus on energy efficiency, renewable resources, and the transition to clean energy, the summit highlighted key themes and initiatives shaping the green technology landscape in the region. Latest Sale Founder was unable to attend the VIP in-person conference in Singapore due to diary conflicts but managed to participate using her digital pass on 7th March 2024. One of the overarching themes emphasized at the summit was the importance of energy efficiency and the utilization of renewable resources. Panel discussions underscored the need to prioritize energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy alternatives to mitigate…

Davos 2024: FT, AI, Mercedes-Benz, Google, Roche, Latest Sale 12022024 Davos 2024: FT, AI, Mercedes-Benz, Google, Roche, Latest Sale plus Qualcomm, Stellantis and an array of Government officials from Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, United States to Mathias Cormann, Secretary General OECD were in attendance. A spectacular set of invite-only FT webinars raised 2024 to new heights with AI and sustainability at the forefront of discussions as per the Latest Sale company ethos and consistent push for OAI (Organic Artificial Intelligenceā„¢). All major players embracing technology and the deployment of responsible AI came out in full force and were open to debate. The Financial Times FT Live event at Davos 2024 served as a crucible of ideas, bringing together luminaries from various sectors to delve into pressing global issues….

AWARDS: A spot on the prestigious TECHROUND BAME50 2023 list In a notable stride towards recognition and success, the whole team at Limited proudly secured a spot on the prestigious TECHROUND BAME50 2023 list, achieving an impressive 12th position. This accolade is not just a testament to our accomplishments but also a mark of our heritage as a for-profit social impact tech enterprise. The TECHROUND BAME50 2023 list stands as a reflection of our dedication to the creative services sector and our equally unwavering support of luxury hospitality, travel, and leisure brands. prides itself in embracing diversity, pushing always for excellence in design and innovation, in our quest to ensure our products and services take on board their social impact. This acknowledgement from TECHROUND underscores our unique positioning in the industry, emphasizing our…

The Importance of Holograms and How They Work Latest Sale Week 13092021 This week as part of the Technology Business Directory, we explore the importance of holograms and how they work. Throughout 2021, holograms significantly increased in relevance across a wide range of industries, including entertainment, healthcare, and education. The way that content is delivered and consumed has been completely transformed by these three-dimensional graphic representations that produce immersive experiences. Holograms use the interference principle to give the appearance of depth and movement. Holograms create a realistic and interactive image by capturing and reconstructing the light waves from an item using laser light. This technology provides consumers with a sense of realism and interaction in live performances, medical imaging, and virtual reality. Holograms are anticipated to become more significant in determining the direction of visual experiences as…

AI Programmes Based on Ordinary Language Latest Sale Week 19072021

This week, we report from the Latest Sale technology business directory as we examine AI programmes based on ordinary language. The future is upon us and questions abound as to what the future holds and how AI programmes will interact with it. As of 2021, artificial intelligence (AI) models have been applied increasingly to programming tasks, with the potential of writing code based on ordinary language in the near future becoming a reality. Microsoft and OpenAI have plans to bring GPT-3, one of the world’s most advanced text-generating models, into this programming sphere. This marks the first commercial application of GPT-3 after Microsoft’s significant investment in OpenAI. The aim of this AI model is to transform natural language descriptions into code, thus simplifying the programming…

Calorie Mama Food AI Reviewed Latest Sale Week 24052021 This week the Latest Sale team showcases our findings on Calorie Mama Food AI Reviewed as part of the Technology Business Directory. During 2021, technology followers witnessed the release of Calorie Mama Food AI, and this had a direct impact on luxury companies in the technology and wellness industries. The demand for smart kitchen gadgets that smoothly link with the Calorie Mama app, offering correct nutritional information and improving the whole cooking experience, may rise, according to luxury kitchen appliance makers like Miele and Sub-Zero. Alternatively, high end fitness equipment manufacturers including Peloton and Technogym may look at collaborating with Calorie Mama in order to provide users with individualized exercise and nutrition programmes that are based on their dietary requirements. With the help of this…

Looking at the Rise of AI Chatbots Latest Sale Week 29032021

Buying Ambien In Canada This week Latest Sale looks at the rise of AI chatbots from the technology Business Directory. By 2023, AI chatbots are expected to become increasingly sophisticated, capable of providing more personalized customer service and making customer interactions much smoother than they are currently in 2021. Chatbot assistants are expected to be able to provide helpful advice on topics from product reviews and ordering information to travel arrangements and health advice. Companies may use chatbots to eliminate the need for human customer service representatives or to reduce their numbers, however reduced workforces can be a primary cause of low productivity. Businesses are also likely to use AI-powered chatbots to automate mundane tasks, such as data entry or processing orders. This is thought to not only improve…
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