This is the second part of our TECH ENTERTAINMENT podcast series covering Virtual Reality workouts today. The advancement of technology, used for the purpose of fitness, raises questions about its impact on jobs, and specifically the personal trainer workforce.

Skip to: 00:06 User Preferences for Live Trainers.

According to a survey by the American Council on Exercise (ACE), 89% of personal trainers believe that technology, including VR and wearable devices, enhances their ability to help clients achieve their fitness goals.

The same survey indicated that 42% of personal trainers use technology to enhance their training programmes, by using fitness apps or incorporating wearable devices for tracking.

A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that individuals who trained with live personal trainers experienced significantly higher exercise adherence compared to those who used digital fitness tools alone.

Skip to: 02:00 AI continues to gather its strength.

Research conducted by the University of Pennsylvania demonstrated that positive social interactions during exercise were associated with increased feelings of happiness and reduced stress levels. A survey conducted by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) revealed that 73% of fitness professionals believe that VR fitness programmes have the potential to significantly impact the industry.


Don’t forget to tune in every Tuesday for the Technology podcast category. Discover more insightful news and commentary in our next episode covering the investors behind Virtual Reality workouts today. Listen and subscribe to “Your Voice Is Amplified” from

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