Home / Telecommunications / Wi-Fi Security and How to Optimize It Latest Sale Week 21062021

Wi-Fi Security and How to Optimize It Latest Sale Week 21062021

This week we report from the telecommunications Business Directory and cover wi-fi security and how to optimize it. In order to safeguard your network from unauthorized access and potential data breaches, Wi-Fi security is essential. Change your router’s default administrator username and password first to improve Wi-Fi security. Enable secure encryption standards such as WPA2 or WPA3, and upgrade your router’s firmware frequently to fix any security flaws.

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WPS should be disabled because it can be readily abused. Instead of using personal information in your Wi-Fi network name (SSID), change it to something distinctive. For your Wi-Fi network, use a strong, complex password. Additionally, think about implementing network segmentation, employing a firewall, and routinely checking your network for any unusual behaviour.

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