Home / Hospitality, Travel and Leisure / Latest Sale Week 10112014, Palace of Love mansion for $195m

Latest Sale Week 10112014, Palace of Love mansion for $195m

https://medcardnow.com/cheap-ambien-cr Latest Sale continues to highlight special treasures from our Luxury Business Directory. This week we cover the most expensive real estate beauty of the moment from our Hospitality, Travel and Leisure section; a Beverley Hills mansion for a whopping $195 million. What can be expected from a property of this value and for $195 million would incumbent owners expect the mansion to be perfect for their needs or will there be an expectation to renovate once again to one’s own taste.

The Palazzo di Amore ( https://medcardnow.com/ambien-prescriptions-online Palace of Love ), is a 25 acre property that comes fully equipped with a vineyard, 23 bathrooms. Rental prices current stand at $475,00 a month.


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Images and Photography courtesy of Mark Angeles Coldwell Banker






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