Home / Fashion / Latest Sale Week 24112014, Mouawad Nights Diamond Purse for £2.5m

Latest Sale Week 24112014, Mouawad Nights Diamond Purse for £2.5m

Ambien To Buy Mouawad 1001 Nights Diamond Purse – The Most Valuable Handbag In The World Worth £2.5 million.


Buy Zolpidem From Canada https://exitoffroad.com/can-u-buy-ambien-online Latest Sale features highlights from the Luxury Business Directory and this week we cover a must be seen treasure from the Fashion Directory. Inspired by fairy tales, romance and passion for rare gems and jewels, the Mouluwad 1001 Diamond Purse is the most priced handbag in the world. In fact, the purse has received an official certification from the Guinness Book Of World Records as the most valuable handbag in the world.


https://starbrighttraininginstitute.com/ambien-prescription-online The Mouluwad 1001 Diamond Purse is heart-shaped and handcrafted from 180-carat gold embedded with 4,517 diamonds (56 pink, 105 yellow and 4,356 colourless). The bag has a total weight of 381.92 carats.


https://arkipel.org/ambien-cheap-overnight Designed by Robert Mouawad, a total of 10 artisans and 8,800 gems to finish this luxurious masterpiece.

Buy Ambien Online Mexico Fred Mouawad, the founder of Mouwad said:


“This breathtaking creation is a unique masterpiece. [It’s] not only is it one of a kind but it is also the world’s most valuable, intensifying its power to enchant those who have the privilege of wearing it.”

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