Home / Jewellery / The Ancient Lithuanian Legend, the Origin of Amber Earrings

The Ancient Lithuanian Legend, the Origin of Amber Earrings

According to ancient Lithuanian legend, the origin of Buy Ambien Online amber earrings involves a tragic love story. The daughter of the God of Thunder, named Jurate, lived at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Despite being betrothed to The God of Water, she fell madly in love with a fisherman named Kastytis.

https://www.magiciansgallery.com/2024/06/zolpidem-buying Jurates’ father, Perkunas, was furious. To get revenge on his daughter, he threw a lightning bolt into the sea that destroyed her amber palace and killed her lover. Today, it is believed the pieces of her palace used to create this organic gemstone used in amber earrings hold the eternal devotion of these forbidden lovers.

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