Home / Fine Art / Latest Sale Week 30032015, Royal Academy of Arts, Richard Diebenkon

Latest Sale Week 30032015, Royal Academy of Arts, Richard Diebenkon

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Ambien Buyers In Usa Fifty of Diebenkorn’s pieces have been carefully selected and curated to instill a superb reflection of the three distinct periods of the artist’s creative output. The first part of the exhibition showcases the artist’s initial experiments with abstraction from the early 1950s, when Abstract Expressionism was popular on the East Coast of North America during that time.

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https://arkipel.org/buy-zolpidem-online-australia The final gallery sees Diebenkorn moving towards the adoption of yet another style, landscape art. This gallery is devoted to the artist’s Ocean Park Series which was painted in Southern California at the end of the 1960s.

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